Healing Light Yoga- Practice session

For Pranic Healers

Closed March 23, 2020 23:59

Length: 90 minutes, 3/22/20 at 3pm EST

Format: Live online Zoom Community meetings

Skill Level: All Levels

Course Description

In this 90 minute class we will practice teaching the Healing Breath and the Fast Breath, practice sending energy to an area of the body and then go deep into a full sequence practice session- Focusing on one Chakra, that will be supported by settling into a sacred Asana and perhaps explore some mudras and mantras.

What are the requirements?

The purpose of this practice session is for all of us to get together and freely practice our techniques/ask questions/exchange ideas and have fun!

What am I going to get from this course?

During this Pranic Healers practice session:

We will all be provided an opportunity to receive and/or give to the group in a informal way to practice, review material, ask questions and explore awakenings through these profound healing techniques that we've been so blessed to learn and grow from.

Settling in with some guided breathwork, visualization and subtle intention, before reviewing asanas, Chakras and marmas, to collectively choose one of each to work with for remaining session.

Then we'll move into a full sequence to clear any blocks, fears or doubts that may be situationally arising or anything holding us back from living our true earth purpose.

Let's shift the balance in our beings to restore flow in the body, enhance vitality, prevent disease and expand awareness to hear our inner wisdom, and much, much more during this 90 minute Pranic Healer practice session!

So much gratitude to Asrael for the continued support and guidance through trusted materials and videos for us to review and continue to learn and grow from:)

Who is this course for?

Anyone interested in getting together for an informal fun practice session:)

Learning Journey

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